Monitor your health, track your fitness, and match your style with the Galaxy Watch3 GPS Smartwatch from Samsung. This smartwatch features a rotating bezel that makes it easy and intuitive to navigate through available apps and manage your music on the full-color 1.4″ display. Some apps let you keep track of your health as you work out and throughout the day. You can use them to monitor your heart rate (ECG), blood pressure, and VO2 Max (blood oxygen) with an SpO2 sensor.
Samsung Galaxy Watch3 GPS Smartwatch (Bluetooth, 45mm)
Key Features
- Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, & GPS Connectivity
- Heart Rate, Blood Pressure & VO2 Max
- Full-Color 1.4″ Display
- Sleep & Stress Tracking
- Store & Play Music with 8GB of Storage
- Up to 164′ of Water Resistance
- Multi-Day Battery Life
- Up to 120 Fitness Programs
- Get Help Easily with Trip Detection
- Customizable Watch Faces
Category: Samsung